Family Law How Can You Find Out What Your Ex Husband Is Making

The Courtroom does non serve the papers for yous.  It is up to You lot to make sure your spouse gets served or your case volition be dismissed and you will have to start all over.

Copy bw What to serve the Accused.  There are 2 or 3 forms that take to be served.

Deadline 2 bw When to serve the Defendant. If you don't serve past the deadline, your case volition be dismissed.

Taking Oath bw Who can serve the Defendant. Only certain people are allowed to serve the Defendant.

Personal service bw How to serve the Defendant.  Defendant typically has to exist served in person.

Questions bw If y'all tin can't observe or serve the Accused.  Larn options if Accused cannot be served in person.

Larn more about each below.

Copy bw What to serve

Your spouse must exist served with the following:

  • A copy of the filed Complaint for Divorce
  • A copy of the Summons.  Make sure your summons has a clerk's signature on page 2.  If it doesn't, become a proper summons issued by the clerk before serving.
  • A copy of the Articulation Preliminary Injunction (if yous filed i)

Keep the originals!

Deadline 2 bw When to Serve the Accused

Your documents must exist served within 120 days afterwards you file the complaint. If your spouse is non served within 120 days, your complaint will exist dismissed and you volition take to start all over.

If you lot cannot go your spouse served inside 120 days, y'all can ask the Court to extend the fourth dimension for service. You can employ the following forms to ask the approximate to extend the time to serve.  Fill out both; file the announcement with the courtroom, and submit the order to the judge for review.

Extend the Time to Serve - Asking (pdf fillable)

Extend the Time to Serve - Social club (pdf fillable) 

Taking Oath bw Who can serve the Defendant

The papers must be served by a "disinterested person." This means someone who is not a party in the case, not interested in the outcome of the instance, and who is at least 18 years old. Family members and significant others (boyfriends/girlfriends) cannot serve the documents. Y'all tin can ask a neutral person to serve the documents, or yous tin hire the sheriff or a private procedure service to serve the documents for a fee.  Visit the Sheriff's Civil Process Department for more information on their fees and services.


Some judges require a licensed, professional procedure server to serve the documents.  Find out from the section assigned to your instance if the judge requires this.  You tin can find a list of phone numbers to each judge'due south section by clicking here.

Can I serve the Defendant?

You lot can serve the documents yourself ONLY IF the Defendant is willing to waive formal service by signing a course and returning information technology to you. You have to requite Defendant a copy of the documents, forth with a notice and a waiver.

If Defendant signs the "Waiver of Service of Summons and Complaint," Defendant will accept boosted fourth dimension to file a response to your papers.  You must file the waiver with the court.  All of the forms and detailed instructions are in the packet below:

Waiver of Service of Summons and Complaint Bundle (pdf fillable)

Personal service bw How to serve the Defendant

Your spouse must exist personally served with a copy of the documents. This means someone neutral and not involved in your case must hand-evangelize the documents to the defendant in person. Your spouse tin be served anywhere – at home, at work, etc.

Whoever serves the Defendant must complete an Affidavit of Service stating when, where and what documents were served on the Defendant.

Affidavit of Service (pdf)  Affirmation of Service (pdf fillable)

If y'all utilize the sheriff or a private process server, they may have their own form to complete equally proof of service.

File the affidavit with the courtroom to bear witness that your spouse was properly served.

Questions bw If y'all can't observe or serve the Accused

You must do everything y'all tin to locate your spouse and have them served in person.  However, if Defendant is avoiding service or cannot be found, yous have ii options:

If y'all can contact Defendant simply don't accept an address, request Alternate Service

You lot can ask the judge for permission to serve by alternate means, such as through email, social media, by texting the documents, etc.  If the judge allows you to serve by alternate service, you will accept to send the documents through every method the judge identifies on the order.

  1. Fill up out and file these forms (past mail or efiling):

    Ex Parte Asking to Serve by Alternate Ways (pdf fillable)

    Affirmation of Due Diligence (pdf fillable)

  2. Fill out the society beneath and email it to the department assigned to your case.  To exercise this, find the letter that your case is assigned to (for example, Dept C, Dept F, etc.).  Insert the section letter where the _ is in the following email format: This email accost is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and send it by email.

    Club to Serve past Alternate Means (pdf fillable)

  3. If the judge allows alternate service, fill out this form and file information technology later you serve Defendant by the methods ordered:

    Proof of Alternate Service (pdf fillable)

The full packet with all forms and instructions is beneath if you adopt to print and fill information technology out by hand:

Alternate Service Complete Package with Instructions (pdf)

If you cannot find Accused at all, asking Publication

If you take no contact at all with the Accused and don't know where to observe him/her, the judge expects you to do everything possible to try and detect them.  Contact friends, family unit members, employers, coworkers, or anyone who might know where to find Defendant. Search for your spouse online through social networking sites and by email. You can as well bank check the Post Office for forwarding information. Check with any source that might lead you lot to a good accost for your spouse. This is called doing your "due diligence." The judge will desire to see you tried as many avenues as possible to detect Defendant.

If you still cannot find your spouse, you can ask the Court for permission to publish the summons in a newspaper instead.  You may also have to postal service the documents to a last known address if y'all take one. You will have to detail all of the efforts yous fabricated to find your spouse.

  1. Fill out and file these forms (by efile or mailing):

    Ex Parte Move for Publication (pdf fillable)

    Affidavit of Due Diligence (pdf fillable)

  2. Fill out the guild below and email it to the department assigned to your instance.  To do this, find the letter that your case is assigned to (for example, Dept C, Dept F, etc.).  Insert the department alphabetic character where the _ is in the following e-mail format: This e-mail accost is existence protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and ship it by email.

    Order for Publication (pdf fillable)

  3. If the estimate allows publication, yous will need to contact the newspaper indicated in the society and arrange for publication.  When publication is completed, make sure the Affidavit of Publication gets filed.  If the judge ordered you to postal service the documents to Defendant'southward last known accost, do so and fill out and file the Document of Mailing below:

    Document of Mailing (Publication) (pdf fillable)

The full packet with all forms and instructions is below if you adopt to print and fill it out by hand:

Publication - Complete Bundle (pdf)

Publication - Complete Packet (pdf fillable)


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